Janelle Doan - CEC, ACC, PCC, CHRP
Founder / President
Janelle is a Royal Roads University Graduate Certified Executive Coach currently residing in New Brunswick, Canada and the Founder / President of The Integrated Focus Group.
Prior to entering the world of coaching, Janelle held senior Human Resource positions for companies in a variety of industry verticals and worked independently as a Personal Coach and seminar facilitator in Eastern Canada and Eastern Europe.
Janelle holds undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Education as well as a graduate diploma in Library Science. In addition, she completed a Certificate in Human Resource Management (UNB), received a Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) designation, is a Licensed Provider of HeartMath (a series of techniques to enhance health, high performance and personal effectiveness) and is a Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).
Janelle is a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and on the founding board of the New Brunswick Chapter of the International Coach Federation (now ICF Atlantic), as well as being a member of the Human Resources Association of New Brunswick (HRANB), the Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations (CCHRA), the Saint John Board of Trade, the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce and a Charter Member of the Institute of Heartmath.
In addition to one-to-one Executive and Personal Coaching, Janelle facilitates Women Leading Women™ Workshops (for women choosing leadership at work and in life), and Coaching Out of the Box® Workshops (Coaching Skills for Leaders/Managers).
Say hello to learn what Janelle – or an IF Group associate – can do for you.